Beyond the Assignment

14 Dec 2023

Managing a Project

A useful skill that I learned was a type of agile project management called issue driven project management. In this form of project management, the project is broken down into smaller tasks called issues. These issues are then assigned to team members to complete. This allows for the project to be completed in a more organized manner. Additionally, it allows for the project to be completed in a more efficient manner as well. This is because the project is broken down into smaller tasks that can be completed in a shorter amount of time. When this type of project management is combined with the use of Github, the organization and documentation of the project are exponentially better. This is because Github allows for the project to be organized into milestones and issues. Additionally, it allows for the project to be documented through the use of comments and commit messages. This way if any portion of the code related to a certain portion of the overall project isn’t working, all you need to do is look for the issue related to what isn’t working and check the associated branch. Additionally, because Github keeps tracks of all the changes made to the code, it allows for the project to be reverted to a previous state if needed. These are all reasons why I would definitely implement this type of organization in into any of my future projects.

Standardized Formatting

Another useful skill that I learned was the importance and effectiveness of coding standards. Coding standards are a set of rules that are used to format code. This is useful because it allows for code to be formatted in a consistent manner. This makes it easier to read and understand code. Additionally, it makes it easier to adapt to code that was written by someone else. This is because you don’t need to spend time reformatting the code to match your own style or trying to decipher how everything is laid out. Instead, you can just read the code and understand it. This is especially useful when working on a team project. This is because everyone’s code will be formatted the same way. This makes it easy for one team member to pick up where another left off and for new members to jump in and start working on the project. This is why I would definitely implement coding standards into any of my future projects.